Ultrasound products: Guide to Marketing Communication What information should you use when your product is treated with ultrasound?
Ultrasound-assisted freezing of chicken We applied ultrasound (US) during the freezing of chicken samples, and compared the freezing rates and quality of the frozen products with non-treated samples.
Ultraviolet light: Guide to Marketing Communication What information should you use when your product is treated with ultraviolet light?
UV-C light for food Ultraviolet light is a non-thermal surface decontamination technology that is emitted through the use of lamps.
UV-C Microbial meat reductions – In-pack topside beef Cuts of topside beef were inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes before being vacuum shrink wrapped and treated with various doses of UV-C iradiation to determine the microbial…
UV-C Microbial meat reductions –In-pack chicken breast Skinless chicken breasts were inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes before being vacuum shrink wrapped and treated with various doses of UV-C iradiation to determine the…
UV-C Microbial meat reductions –In-pack pork tenderloin Cuts of pork tenderloin were inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes before being vacuum shrink wrapped and treated with various doses of UV-C iradiation to determine the microbial…
UV-C Pathogen reductions –In-pack chicken breast Skinless chicken breasts were inoculated with either Salmonella spp.or Escherichia coli before being vacuum shrink wrapped and treated with an 80 mJ/cm2 dose of UV-C iradiation to…
UV-C Pathogen reductions –In-pack pork tenderloin Pork tenderloin samples were inoculated with either Salmonella spp,or Listeria mono. or Staph. aureus before being vacuum shrink wrapped and treated with an 80 mJ/cm2 dose ofUV-C…
UV-C shelf life–In-pack chicken breast Skinless chicken breasts were vacuum packed and shrink wrapped. Half of the breasts were treated with 80 mJ/cm2dose of UV-C iradiation in-pack and the other half kept as control…
What do consumers think about food products treated with new technologies? A survey among Norwegians gave important insight into consumer acceptance of these innovative processing technologies.
Worth knowing about food innovation What can we expect from new food products and what does it take to get them into the shops? Research shows that enforced transparency can help the food industry to play well…
Worth knowing about Novel food If you are going to sell new food products that have never been produced before, or that have been produced in completely new ways, you need to check whether or not your product…